TP7 – Operando ATR-IR spectroscopy applied to investigate the mechanisms of alternative anodic reactions

Electrochemical reactions are highly complex processes requiring extensive efforts to achieve in-depth understanding of the reactions occurring at electrodes. This is particularly the case for those electrochemical reactions that include multi-electron transfer such as alcohol or amine oxidation reactions. The elucidation of reaction pathways is required for the knowledge-based optimization of conversion and selectivity to the desired product. Therefore, suitable analytical techniques to detect organic reactants and adsorbates under reaction conditions are needed. The development and implementation of a novel operando infrared spectroscopy cell is planned that allows monitoring of electrochemical reactions. In addition, the spectro­electrochemical ATR-IR set-up will be extended to enable continuous operation allowing the implementation of additional analytical online techniques such as GC, HPLC and MS for enhanced accuracy and reliability.

Muhler, Martin, Prof. Dr., born 04.05.1961, German; MU1327
Laboratory of Industrial Chemistry; Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Ruhr University Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)234 3228754; Email: